
How to Backwash Your Pool Filter

Your pool filter cleans your pool — but what cleans the pool filter? Backwashing is a simple process that keeps your pool filter clean and functional. By backwashing your pool…

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How To Take Care of Your Pool During The Winter

Whether you trudge through snow during winter months or live in a lukewarm climate that doesn’t often see below 30-degrees like us, properly caring for your outdoor pool should always…

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Summertime Pool Maintenance Blues

In extreme heat, your pool water evaporates at a faster rate – and so are your pool chemicals. Throw in a few rain storms, sunshine, sun-tanning products, your children, and your furry friends who love to swim, and your water chemistry is out of whack!

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You cleaned my pool but it’s dirty again

One minute, your swimming pool is crystal clear. Then in a matter of seconds, a gust of wind blows leaves and other debris into your pool, sending them sinking to the bottom. By the time you get home, it looks like your pool was never cleaned. While frustrating, it’s a normal occurrence.

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Pool filter maintenance combats Mother Nature’s debris

Spring is in the air and in your pool! Mother Nature’s debris—fallen leaves, yellow pollen, dead insects, flower petals, tree blooms—is preventing you from taking your first dip of the…

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