
Can My Pool Freeze? What Happens If My Pool Freezes?

Nothing beats jumping into your pool on a hot summer’s day, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore your pool during the colder months. If you live in an area that gets particularly cold during the winter, you will need to tend to your pool to ensure it doesn’t freeze over.

Here at Aqua Blue Pools we build the best luxury pools across South Carolina SC, we are the South Carolina Lowcountry’s ONLY Master Pool Builder!

In this article we’ll explain whether your pool is likely to freeze, the problems a frozen pool can cause and how you can prevent your pool from freezing altogether.

At what temperature does a pool freeze?

Chlorinated and non-chlorinated pools freeze at the same temperature. However, salt water pools will freeze at a slightly lower temperature.

It should also be noted that above-ground pools will generally freeze at a higher temperature than inground pools. This is because inground pools are insulated by the surrounding soil.

  • Salt water pools will freeze at around 28°F
  • Chlorinated and non-chlorinated pools will freeze at around 32°F


What happens if my pool freezes?

A thin sheet of ice may develop if your pool temperature drops below the freezing point. A thin sheet of ice is not a major problem for most pools, but if low temperatures continue and the proper preventative measures aren’t put in place, the ice sheet may increase in thickness by up to ¼” per day.

As the ice sheet grows larger, it presents a greater danger to your pool. If it becomes more than ½” thick, it may begin to crack tiles and loosen grout. Small pieces of tile may start to pop out once the grout has been sufficiently loosened.

How do I prevent my pool from freezing?

There are a few methods for preventing your pool from freezing in the winter. Remember that all parts of your pool equipment are susceptible to freezing, including the pipes and plumbing. We would not recommend using pool antifreeze or any type of antifreeze in the pool, especially if you have a chlorinated or above-ground pool.

  • Keep your pool heated at a constant temperature above the freezing point. If you’re concerned about costs, use a pool heat pump; this is a more efficient way to heat your pool.
  • Keep the pool covered to lock in heat. A solar cover is great at retaining heat from your heater.
  • Keep the water circulating by running your filter pump 24 hours a day.
  • Angle the jets in your pool upwards to prevent surface freezing.
  • If you can’t run the equipment due to a power failure, remove the drain plugs and cover the equipment with heavy blankets.
  • In the event of a power failure, wrap the PVC pipes with a heating cable.

Aqua Blue Pools - Winter State Temperatures

How cold does it get in my state?

The average temperatures during winter for every state in the US are listed below in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. The states are also ranked from the hottest state in winter at number 1 to the coldest state at number 50.

State Avg ° F Avg ° C Rank
Alabama 46.5 8.1 7
Alaska 2.6 -16.3 50
Arizona 43.6 6.4 10
Arkansas 41.5 5.3 12
California 46.2 7.9 8
Colorado 25.8 -3.4 35
Connecticut 28.5 -1.9 30
Delaware 36.1 2.3 16
Florida 59.4 15.2 2
Georgia 47.8 8.8 5
Hawaii 67.4 19.7 1
Idaho 25.4 -3.7 37
Illinois 28.3 -2.1 32
Indiana 29.4 -1.4 29
Iowa 21.7 -5.7 39
Kansas 31.9 -0.1 26
Kentucky 35.9 2.2 18
Louisiana 50.9 10.5 3
Maine 16.8 -8.4 47
Maryland 34.7 1.5 19
Massachusetts 27.4 -2.6 34
Michigan 21.7 -5.7 39
Minnesota 12.4 -10.9 48
Mississippi 46.7 8.2 6
Missouri 32.3 0.2 24
Montana 21.2 -6.0 41
Nebraska 25.7 -3.5 36
Nevada 32.2 0.1 25
New Hampshire 21.1 -6.1 43
New Jersey 33.0 0.6 21
New Mexico 36.1 2.3 16
New York 23.3 -4.8 38
North Carolina 42.1 5.6 11
North Dakota 12.2 -11.0 49
Ohio 29.5 -1.4 28
Oklahoma 39.1 3.9 13
Oregon 34.0 1.1 20
Pennsylvania 28.4 -2.0 31
Rhode Island 31.4 -0.3 27
South Carolina 46.1 7.8 9
South Dakota 19.5 -6.9 44
Tennessee 39.1 3.9 13
Texas 47.9 8.8 4
Utah 28.2 -2.1 33
Vermont 19.4 -7.0 45
Virginia 36.8 2.7 15
Washington 33.0 0.6 21
West Virginia 32.8 0.4 23
Wisconsin 17.2 -8.2 46
Wyoming 21.2 -6.0 41

At Aqua Blue Pools, our pool builders provide maintenance, repairs and renovation on pools across South Carolina SC. We do everything from remove the debris in your pool, to rebalancing the chemical levels, ensuring your pool is safe and enjoyable for all the family. If your pool has been damaged by ice or anything else, make sure it’s fully repaired for the summer.

Contact our team if you need your pool remodelling, or renovating.


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